Things Coronavirus Taught Us

Coronavirus disease is one of its kind and none of us have ever faced such a pandemic before. It affected people across all the countries resulting in lakhs of deaths. Although it created mass havoc, it also taught us a few things like:
Family is most Important:
In this difficult time, most of us are lucky to be with our family. But few people are still out there, alone, longing to meet their family. This disease taught us to spend some quality time with our family. Cherish memories and create new ones.
We are all Equal:
No one is protected from the virus whether to reach or poor. All are equal. All are quarantined in their homes. Money also can’t buy them freedom. The coronavirus is not differentiating anyone based on their gender, caste, religion, or color.
Competition is not the solution, collaboration is:
In this difficult time, we should all stand together. It is not a competition who fights it and comes out of it first. It won’t leave us until we all come out of it together across the globe.
We are not the strongest:
Although we all thought that technology has evolved enough to fight with anything and everything, it turns out we are not the strongest. All-powerful countries have surrendered in front of this virus. All the countries across the globe are trying hard to fight it and find the antidote for it, but yet are to be successful.
Evolve or die:
It is time for us to make the best use of this time by evolving ourselves. It is time to adopt a new hobby, Learn new skills, develop yourself, mentally, physically, and emotionally. Rather than thinking negatively about the situation, think positively. Draw a positive vibe from the universe and pass positivity to others too.
Sri Bhavani Jewels wish you all safe healthy in the lockdown periods.
#coronavirus #safe #stayhealthy #covid19 #happy.


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