Tips to take care of your Jewellery

We all love and adore pieces of jewellery owned by us. We protect it more than we protect ourselves and we predict a long and happy relationship with our jewelleries. But like every relationship, a little maintenance is essential for a long and healthy life of the pieces of jewellery. Pieces of jewellery act as an heirloom and passed on to generations one after the other. And for the eternal shine of the pieces of jewellery, proper care and maintenance is a must.

Following are a few tips to take care of your jewellery:

1.Professional clean up: Once a year, you must take your jewellery to a jewellery shop for professional clean up and polish. Clean up is not very expensive and it gives long life and luminous shine to the jewelleries.

2. Take it off before sleeping: Although we all wear a piece of jewellery that stays permanently on our body, no matter how tired you are, always remove your heavy jewelleries before going to bed. Sleeping while wearing pieces of jewellery may lose the fitting and stones mounted on them.

3.Keep them untangled: Make sure you keep your jewelleries in a way that they remain untangled. They may break while untangling and cause damage. Keep them separately.

4.Take it off while playing any sport: If you are a sports player, make sure to remove all the jewellery from your body before entering the ground. It may break and result in an injury. Exposure to heat and sweat may harm the shine.

5.Avoid chemicals: Do not expose your pieces of jewellery to chlorine and saltwater. Do not use cheap chemicals to clean the pieces of jewellery. Remove them before jumping in the swimming pool or before going to a beach. Remove them before doing any household chores and before applying any body lotion or makeup.

6.Avoid the sun: Keep your pieces of jewellery in such a place that they are least exposed to the sun. Some gemstones mat lose their shine if exposed to sunlight for a longer time. Their color may get altered. For the long life of it, it should be kept away from heating sources.

7.Put it on last: When getting ready, put on your jewelleries once you are done with hair, makeup, and other things. Hair spray, perfume and makeup might harm the jewelleries and take away their shine. And take off your jewelleries first after coming as you may damage it while removing your clothes.

If you want to buy gold Jewellery in Hyderabad. Sri Bhavani Jewels is the best shops in Hyderabad where you buy different types of jewellery likes necklaces, earrings, etc.


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